Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter Memories

When I was a kid, Easter always meant a new outfit. Everything matched. I always had a new spring coat and hat, a frilly dress, patent leather shoes, socks with ruffles...and always a new pair of white gloves! My mom loved dressing me up. When my kids were little going to church on Easter, and dressing the boys up in new clothes became a tradition, too. Of course, there weren't any wide brimmed pink straw hats and frilly dresses, but they always looked so handsome on Easter morning. Coloring Easter eggs on Saturday night to leave out for the bunny to hide was another tradition which began with my father. Just imagine what coloring eggs with a dad who was an artist could involve...mine were the prettiest eggs in town! I hated to crack them open for the egg salad sandwiches they'd become, and I wish I had some photos of those magnificently decorated eggs!

~Alas, then come grandchildren, and the egg coloring duties revert to the parents...The Easter bunny at Mimi's house stuffs plastic eggs with all kinds of treats. Money, and candy, and stickers, and coupons for movie nights, trips on the boat, outings to the zoo, and pizza parties. I remember one year when Michael would shake the eggs and if they didn't make any noise he would leave them for someone else to add to their basket--until he figured out that the ones that don't rattle with candy or quarters were the best ones filled with dollar bills and coupons!

Anyway, I love Easter. Our munchkins make the day so special.

*click on the photo to enlarge!
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